In our school you must choose in the 5th grade between english or latin... Then in the 6th grade you must take the other language, latin oder english... in the 8th grade you have to choose between French or in ancient greek.....(hat zumindest abacho ergeben, wer ne bessere übersetzung für altgriechisch hat, der soll mich bitte verbessern) If you choose French it´s the new-linguistic path, if you choose in ancient greek, it´s the humanistically path... In the 10th grade you can take Spanish, then you can vote out of office either english, Latin or French. That´s it. Of course there are elective subjects like Danish or so on.. the FLG(Franz-Ludwig-Gymnasium) is a linguistic gymnasium... kage, why do you hate french? Suki, are you happy that you took latin? I like latin, it´s one of my best subjects...
Suki Chu-Nin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2839 Alter : 34 Ort : Konoha Anmeldedatum : 12.11.07
I don´t like French, because I can´t enunciate it -.- But I don´t like Latin, as well, because I´m not good at learning languages. The only language I can speak a bit is English ^^
Sry, I don´t have a better translate for "Altgriechisch". T_T
Flash Admin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1732 Anmeldedatum : 25.10.07
I don´t like French, because I can´t enunciate it -.- But I don´t like Latin, as well, because I´m not good at learning languages. The only language I can speak a bit is English ^^
Sry, I don´t have a better translate for "Altgriechisch". T_T
Oh, that´s bad...I don´t like french too because I know many words but I don´t know their l´emploi du temps, I can write it, I know how to enunciate bu I don´t have any clue about the meaning... English is the worst subject I have....what´s your roblem with languages?
Kage Admin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 890 Alter : 31 Ort : maul! Anmeldedatum : 31.10.07
My biggest problem is to learn the vocabulary -.- Even if I learn intensive the same vocabulary all along a week . Two weeks later I don´t know them anymore. But just in latin...... T_T
Flash Admin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1732 Anmeldedatum : 25.10.07 you read in the last time a manga? Suki, with latin....I never learned hard or so, latin is...a bit of a secret...a sentence how difficult it looks...there´s a solution...there are many but there are many false solutions too...if you like thrillers or books about muders and so, like sherlock holmes or so, you only need a bit of many years you had latin now?
Suki Chu-Nin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2839 Alter : 34 Ort : Konoha Anmeldedatum : 12.11.07
three years...... I don´t like it -.- It´s nothing more to say!
Why do you ask about Mangas?
Because his seventh sense is to find good me, he´s good at that... three years? so you know the PPP and the Ablativus absolutus already?
Suki Chu-Nin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2839 Alter : 34 Ort : Konoha Anmeldedatum : 12.11.07
Suki, eh, icq..ok? Forget it...yeah, my sister´s birthday...but I am busy that weekend because I had promised my friend to go with him on a trip.... But sunday, it´s alright...ok? if there are questions, icq....and what´s with yume? is she with you yet?
Suki Chu-Nin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2839 Alter : 34 Ort : Konoha Anmeldedatum : 12.11.07
Also echt, warum hacken alle auf mir rum, des is nur weil mich Suki immer so tracktiert! Früher hatte die auch eine grauenhafte Rechtschreibung! Aber seit neusten is sie voll auf Grammatik versessen!